Use the Fan Smarter Platform to create a brand activation that highlights the power of SAP solutions, through the lens of sailing. ​​​​​​​

The Smarter Skipper is a Virtual Reality sailing experience
That puts users in the shoes of an SAP Extreme Sailing Team crew member. It allows users to understand how SAP Sailing Analytics - powered by SAP HANA – are used to maximize team performance, and provides users with insights into the benefits of live data. 

This first-of-its-kind project was developed to drive deeper understanding of how SAP solutions – particularly SAP Sailing Analytics – are used to aid team performance during the Extreme Sailing Series™, and provide fans with an insight into how live data would be used in real-time, during the race. ​​​​​​​
  - Experience a race on-board the SAP Extreme Sailing Team boat – in stunning 360° Virtual Reality against the backdrop of      Act One Extreme Sailing Series™ in Muscat, Oman.
  - Sit onboard a lifelike replica of the GC32 Catamaran and see first-hand the boat’s powerful ‘foiling’ capabilities.
  - Understand how SAP analytics is used to maximise team performance by collecting key ‘data points’ throughout the race.

The activation went on a global 6 month tour for the championships from Germany to the US, entertaining sailing enthusiasts at Kieler Woche (June), Travemunde Woche (July) and the 505 World Championships (Sep - Nov) in the US.  ​​​
Step into the shoes of a skipper onboard the Team Extreme Sailing catamaran during race day. See the live data and insights that SAP provide, then collect it for the team to give them valuable gains in the next race, see your score at the end.
Take a peek at the VR footage that played inside the headsets.
Act 1 of the Extreme Sailing Series took place in Muscat, Oman where the VR shoot took place live onboard the boat as it sailed in the race. Omani architecture provided the perfect opportunity to stand out from competitor activations and transport the audience directly to the origin of where the action took place.

3290 participants over the course of 2017 global tour
87%+ of total participants had an increased understanding of SAP solutions
60%+ of total participants had an increased sentiment towards SAP
653,310 unique hits to over the live tour dates (an increase of 57%)
13,000 views of The Smarter Skipper trailer
Role: Creative Director

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